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Showing posts with the label process of nidhi company registration

How to Start a Business With Only Nidhi Company

Nidhi Company which can also be called as Mutual Benefit Company, is a certain category of company with Financial Business structure. It's recognized under section 406 of the 2013, Companies Act. It operates financial lending and borrowing programs, but only within its members. Anyone outside can't lend of borrow even a single amount with these kinds of organization. Need to Nidhi Company Registration :- You can find NIdhi Companies only in India. 'Principle of Mutuality' is the base notion for this type of company. The Reserve Bank of India may issue guidelines to them with their lending and borrowing activities. And they are regulated by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Setting up a Nidhi Company to expand the propensity for investment funds just for common advantage among its associates. The members contribute an control the funding of the company. And surprisingly, It's very easy to Nidhi Company Registration . The registration of NBFC company which al...