A Nidhi Company is a part of Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) in financial business sector and it included with the purpose of taking deposits and offering loans to its members. The primary functions of nidhi companies includes borrowing and lending money amongst their members. The Nidhi company registration procedure is accomplished online through the best CA/CS Consultant. It using scanned copies of all the necessary incorporation documents for the registration of company. Here use state- of-the-art technology and our experts are well-experienced with Tally, MS Office, SAP and other hi-end applications. You may contact us to get reliable and highly-experienced nidhi company registration consultants in West Bengal.
If you wishes to start a nidhi company in India, they should start with the formation of Nidhi Company. Since Nidhi Company registration procedure requires less documentation and affordable fees, this is the best that we can recommend. This is why Nidhi Company also noted as ‘Mutual benefit Company’, ‘Mutual benefit Fund’, ‘Benefit Fund’ and ‘Permanent Fund.’
Quick Nidhi Company Registration Process Online
Before applying for Nidhi Company Registration it should be need to
make sure that the below mentioned requirements are fulfilled for the company registration process:-
- Obtain DIN and DSC, At least 3 directors and 7 members are needed
- Approval of Name as per RUN (Reserve Unique Name)
- Articles of Association and Memorandum
- PAN and TAN require
- Incorporation Form SPICe+, must be completed.
- Need a ID proof and Address proof of Directors and Members.
- Passport size photographs of Directors and Members
- Property Documents – Ownership documents/Rent agreement, Utility Bill and NOC
Documents Required for Nidhi Company Registration
Nidhi Company registration process is extremely simple and easy, many prefer it to venture into the financial business sector. Although there are some rules and regulations must be followed if people are intended to run the same legibly. Here mainly documents are needed for company registration.....